This is by far, not the best avenue for communication. It is however very unique, and a way we believe to have a healthy discourse of the differing opinions without fear of retribution or retaliation.
We extend an offer to everyone to meet in person at a location to be determined for a real question and answer period, with members of the IBEW, and managers from Comcast. It appears that the Comcast Corporation has a lot to say about unions, yet they have never attempted to discuss the issues. You deserve to have all of the information before you make decisions about you and your family.
We encourage Ms. Sue Wantee (No disrespect intended if spelling is incorrect) to accept our invitation for a real discussion. These workers are not just numbers, they are people that deserve respect. Why are you afraid to speak about unions with the people that actually know about unions.
Please scroll down to the bottom of this page to section titled: Chat
Enter a nickname. (Be unique so as not to repeat names)
Click join chat, and become a part of our historical online forum tonight. Be respectful and be patient with each other as we have our discussion.
Also. Look at the new poll on the right of this page. Weigh in on how you want to progress from here.